Employee Enrolment in Crawlink School ERP?

This is a very important requirement of Crawlink Users to take Employee Enrolment. Human Resource (HR) Management module allows you to manage all the tasks related to HR very easily and comfortably. You can manage all the information of the human resource management like creating Attendance, calculating and managing the leave of a person. Employee Enrolment allows you to manage the employee basic details, personal details, Bank details, educational details and professional experience.

Procedure to do Employee Enrolment:

  1. Login into Crawlink School ERP using your email or phone number.
  2. Click on Employee Enrolment.
  3. Fill all the details:
    1. Basic details:  In Basic details, we can enter Student details like First, Middle and Last name, Upload photo, DOB, Age, Gender, Phone number, Email, Academic year, Educational qualification, Professional qualification, Application form number, Daily working hours, Reporting manager, Type of Employee,  Join date, Resigned date, Last working date, Total days in the organisation, employee id, Registration No, Enrolment No, RF Card Id, Department, Grade, Annual package, Staff category, Staff role, Designation,  Total experience, Relevant experience and Skills set.
    2. Personal details:  In Personal details, we can enter Student Personal details like Nationality, Father's and Mother's name, Religion, Marital Status, Anniversary, Spouse name, Number of children, Caste, Driving license, Adhar, PAN, Passport number, Alternative number, Alternative email, Blood group, Mother tongue, Person to contact in emergency, Relationship with the person, Emergency contact number, Type of disability(if any), House no. / Door no., Area, Locality, Landmark, PIN code / ZIP code, City, State, Country and Permanent address.
    3. Bank details: In Bank details, we can enter details like Account holder name, Account number, Bank name, Branch name and IFSC code.
    4. Educational details: In Educational details, we can enter details like Educational qualification, Year of pass out, Name of the School/College/University and Score. Add Educational details button is present we can add more educational details.
    5. Professional details: In Professional details, we can enter details like Organisation name, phone, email, Designation, Start date, End date, Employee id, and Annual package. Add Professional details button is present we can add more Professional details.
  4. After filling all the details, then press the Save button.

Following are the Images to do Employee Enrolment:
