How to Collect Fees in Crawlink ERP?

Procedure to Collect Fee: 
  1. Login into Crawlink School ERP using your email or phone number.
  2. Click on Finance and Then Click Fee Collections.
  3. It will open the fee collection page with search and select student button.
  4. Click on the Select student button. It will open pick student dialog with the filter button, select one student and press done. [or]
  5. Search student by Name, Reg No, Erp Id, RF Id, Phone, and Email. It will display select student dialog with multiple results, select one and press done.
  6. Then it will display the student details, payable items list and paid fees list.
  7. Click on the name of the fee we will get fee details and fee structure details
  8. Select the checkbox of fee components and then click collect now button. It will display a fee receive dialog, here we can edit fine and collect the fee amount.
  9. Enter the Paid amount then click the collect button.
  10. Then it will open create receive dialog, enter the details and press save & print button, pay receive will be saved and it will open print receipt dialog and we can print the receipt.
  11. We have three more icons, send SMS, send message and full details.
    1. Click on full details: student details dialog will open with student details and a print button.
    2. Click on send SMS: compose SMS dialog will open, enter the body of SMS about fees and press send.
    3. Click on send message: compose message dialog will open, enter message title and enter the message about fees then press send.
Following are the Images to Collect Fee:
