How to Create and Take Students attendance in Crawlink School ERP?

This is a very important requirement of Crawlink Users to Create and Take Student's attendance in Crawlink ERPSecurity of students has very importance in the educational sector. Simultaneously maintaining attendance records of students is must, to retain discipline within the School. Crawlink supports educational foundations to generate attendance reports for the current date or month, last month or even for a defined date. Proxy attendance can be reduced to a great extent using this feature. We keep a series of data in Crawlink ERP application about Students and their Attendance information.

Procedure to Create Attendance sheet:
  1. Login into Crawlink School ERP using your email or phone number.
  2. Click on Student Attendance
  3. It will display the student attendance sheets page.
  4. Click on Create attendance sheetIt is present in the Right Top Corner of the student attendance sheets page.
  5. Fill all the attendance sheet information present in the create attendance sheet.
  6. Enter the information of Attendance sheet name, Select academic year, Department, Course, Branch, Year, Semester, Class, Section, Select subject, Attendance sheet assign to and Description.
  7. Press Save Button.

Following are the Images to Create Attendance sheet:

Procedure to View, Edit and Delete Attendance sheet:
  1. Create an Attendance Sheet.
  2. In the right corner of the Attendance Sheet, click on Verticle Ellipsis it will display More options.
  3. In More option we have:
    1. View,
    2. Delete.
  4. Click on View: It will Open View Attendance sheet page, In this view Attendance sheet page, We will get all the information on Attendance sheet with student names, (*) We have one more option for View If We Click on name link, View page will open. And also we have Edit Button present in the view attendance sheet page. 
  5. Click on Edit:  It will Open the Edit Attendance sheet, In this Edit Attendance sheet, We can Update or Modify the Attendance sheet details, Additionally, the Add student button is present by using that we can also add students to the sheet.
  6. Click on Delete: It will Display Delete dialog with info Message If you click Delete, the Attendance sheet will be deleted Permanently. 

Following are the Images to View, Edit and Delete Attendance sheet:

Procedure to Take Students Attendance:
  1. Click on Student Attendance
  2. Click On Take Attendance.
  3. It will display the Take attendance page with attendance sheet details and students.
  4. Here we can take attendance by changing Date and also we can enter late login time [in minutes] and reason for late login for a particular student.
  5. We have three buttons Present, Absent and Half day.
  6. Click on Present if a student is present and it will turn to green color. 
  7. Click on Absent if a student is absent and it will turn to red color. 
  8. Click on Half-day if a student is present half-day and it will turn to Light-green color.
  9. We have two more buttons All Present and All Absent. If all the students are present Press all Present button, If all the students are absent press all Absent button.  
  10. After selecting all students Present and Absent then click on Save Button.

Following are the Images to Take Students Attendance:

Procedure to View Attendance:
  1. Create an Attendance Sheet and Take attendance.
  2. In the right corner of the Attendance Sheetclick on Verticle Ellipsis it will display More options.
  3. More option will display View Attendance, Click on view attendance. It will display the view attendance page with attendance details.
  4. Here we will get all student's attendance details with the present count, absent count, attendance % and total days count, also we can search and filter the student attendance details.
  5. We can Generate attendance report, Generate a button present in the right top corner, click on the generate report button, it will open the preview attendance details page, then click on the print button.
  6. Click on student name: clicked student attendance details page will open, Here we can get that particular student attendance summary and details, and also we can filter and print the attendance details of that student.

Following are the Images to View Attendance:

Procedure to Download Attendance sheet in Excel sheet:
  1. Click on Student attendance.
  2. Download Button is Present in the Right top corner, Below the Create attendance sheet.
  3. Click on Download Button. It will Download all the attendance sheets information into Excel Sheet. 
Following are the Images to Download attendance sheet into Excel Sheet:
