How to Create Enquiry in Crawlink School ERP?

This is an important requirement of Crawlink Users to Create Enquiry for students. Student Enquiry module helps in storing and managing all the admission Enquiries that have come up with the school and can also know the status of the Enquires whether they went fruitful or not. We keep a variety of information in Crawlink ERP application about Students and staff like there personal information and their educational information. Here we can store all the admission Enquiries in one place, Manage the admission Enquiries as per the need and keep a track of the Enquiries.

Procedure to Create Enquiry:
  1. Login into Crawlink School ERP using your email or phone number.
  2. Click on Front Office Management and Then Click Enquiry.
  3. Click on Create Enquiry in the right top corner of the Page, It will open a create enquiry dialog.
  4. Fill all the details present in the create enquiry dialog
    1. Basic details: In Basic details, we can enter details like Student Name, Department, Course, Branch, Year, Semester, Class, Gender, Date, Caste, Religion, Nationality, DOB, Phone no, Email, Address, Day scholar/hostel, Transport and Poverty line.
    2. Parents details: In Parent details, we can enter details like Father’s Name, Mother’s Name, Occupation, Phone Number, Email, Annual income of the family, ID proof no of a student, Father and Mother.  
    3. Sibling details: In Sibling details, we can enter details like Sibling's Name, Class/Designation, Age, Gender and Organization name.
    4. Previous Organisation details: In this, we can enter details like Previous Organization name, Phone number, Address, Branch/Stream, Class/semester, Section/batch, Board, Roll No., Marks obtained, Percentage scored and Grade.
    5. Other details: In other details, we can enter details like External id, Advertisement Type, Referred by, Track by, Received by, Tags, Comment and Remarks.
  5. Add an attachment to the enquiry.
  6. After filling all the details, then press the Save button.

Following are the Images to Create Enquiry:

Procedure to View, Edit and Delete Enquiry:
  1. Create an Enquiry.
  2. In the right corner of the Enquiry, click on Verticle Ellipsis it will display More options.
  3. In More option we have: 
    1. View,
    2. Edit,
    3. Delete.
  4. Click on View: It will Open View Enquiry Form dialog, In this view Enquiry form dialog, we will get all the details of Enquiry Form, and also we have three more buttons Print, Next and Previous. By using the Print button we can take the Print of the Enquiry Form, by using the Next and Previous button we can see Next and Previous Enquiry Forms(*)We have one more option for View If We Click on name link, View dialog will open.
  5. Click on Edit: It will Open Edit Enquiry Form dialog, In this Edit  Enquiry Form dialog, we can Update or Modify the Enquiry Form.
  6. Click on Delete: It will Display Delete dialogue with info Message If you click delete, the enquiry will be deleted Permanently. 
Following are the Images to View, Edit and Delete Enquiry:

Procedure to Search Enquiry: 
  1. Click on Front Office Management and Then Click Enquiry.
  2. Search is Present in the left top corner of the Page, It has a drop-down list and it consists of Name, Form no, Phone no, Email, Address, Father name, Mother name and External id. Select any one of them and then Search. 
  3. In my case Based on Form no. am Searching Enquiry.
Following are the Images to Search Enquiry:

Procedure to Filter Enquiry:
  1. Click on Front Office Management and Then Click Enquiry.
  2. Filter Button is Present in the left top corner next to Search.
  3. Click on Filter,  Enquiry Filter dialog will open.
  4. The Filter Performs two operations:
    1. AND Operation.
    2. OR Operation.
  5. Select any one of them, In the right corner Add Rule[+] is Present, Click on Add Rule, It will display a drop-down list of Branch, Class, Course, Date, Department, Semester, Service type and  Year, Select them. In my case Based on Branch am Filtering Enquiry.
  6. Then Press Apply.
Following are the Images to Filter Enquiry:

Procedure to Download Enquiries in Excel sheet:
  1. Click on Front Office Management and Then Click Enquiry.
  2. Download Button is Present in the Right top corner, Below the Create Enquiry.
  3. Click on Download Button. It will Download all the Enquiries into Excel Sheet. 
Following are the Images to Download Enquiries into Excel Sheet:
