How to create Finance Profile in Crawlink ERP?

Procedure to Create Finance Profiles:
  1. Login into Crawlink School ERP using your email or phone number.
  2. Click on Finance and Then Click Profiles.
  3. Click on create finance Profilesit will open create finance Profiles dialog.
  4. Fill all the details, here we change the print report headers and also a logo, headers font styles, font size, font align and color and also we can give report footer line.
  5. Then press the save button.
Following are the Images to Create Finance Profiles:

Procedure to View, Edit and Delete Finance Profiles:
  1. Create Profiles.
  2. In the right corner of the Profilesclick on Verticle Ellipsis it will display More options.
  3. In More option we have:
    1. Edit,
    2. Delete.
  4. Click on the Profiles name It will Open View Profiles dialog, In this view Profiles dialog, We will get all the details of the Profiles.
  5. Click on Edit: It will Open Edit Profiles dialog, In this Edit Profiles dialog, We can Update or Modify the Profile details.
  6. Click on Delete: It will Display Delete dialog with info Message If you click delete, the Profiles will be deleted Permanently. 

Following are the Images to View, Edit and Delete Finance Profiles:

Procedure to Search Finance Profiles: 
  1. Click on Finance and Then Click Profiles.
  2. Search is Present in the left top corner of the Page, Search profiles by Name
  3. Click on the search icon or press the enter button.
Following are the Images to Search Finance Profiles:

Procedure to Filter Finance Profiles:
  1. Click on Finance and Then Click Profiles.
  2. Filter Button is Present in the left top corner next to Search.
  3. Click on Filter,  Profiles Filter dialog will open.
  4. The Filter Performs two operations:
    1. AND Operation.
    2. OR Operation.
  5. Select any one of them, In the right corner Add Rule [+], is Present, Click on Add Rule, Select date.
  6. Then Press Apply.
Following are the Images to Filter Finance Profiles:
