How to do Student Class Promotion in Crawlink School ERP?

This is an important requirement of Crawlink Users to Promote students to the next Class Student Promotion allows you to promote passed students of a Class to the next Class at the end of the academic year. It also allows you to promote the failed students to the next class according to the school policies. Promote passed students to a higher class at the end of each academic year. The details of the students automatically get updated in the student details as per the details of the student promotion.

Procedure to do Student Class Promotion:
  1. Login into Crawlink School ERP using your email or phone number.
  2. Click on Student Promotion.
  3. Click on Promote From. It will open the Student Filter.
  4. The Filter Performs two operations:
    1. AND Operation.
    2. OR Operation.
  5. Select any one of them, In the right corner Add Rule[+], is Present, Click on Add Rule, It will display a drop-down list. Select Academic year, Branch, Class, Course, Date, Department, Semester and  Year from which class we want to promote students.
  6. Then Press Apply. Students will display on the page.
  7. Click on Promote To. It will open the Student Filter.
  8. The Filter Performs two operations:
    1. AND Operation.
    2. OR Operation.
  9. Select any one of them, In the right corner Add Rule[+], is Present, Click on Add Rule, It will display a drop-down list. Select Academic year, Branch, Class, Course, Date, Department, Semester, Type should be class promotion and Year to which class we want to promote students.
  10. Then Press Apply.
  11. Click on Promote from the forward Arrow mark, the student is promoted to the selected class. if we want to promote all students click on select all button it will promote all students to the selected class. 
  12. Click on Promote To backward Arrow mark, the student will back to the previous class.
  13. Click on Save. Student's got promoted successfully. 

Following are the Images to do Student Class Promotion:
