How to generate Employee reports in Crawlink School ERP?

Employee Reports for Crawlink Users, A school management system includes tasks such as Employee registration and record-keeping of attendance. So we need to keep many records related to the Employee and retrieving the records as per need is a tedious job. The school management might require customized reports of Employee and search for the entire data to generate one is highly impossible and a school management software must be capable of generating customized reports as in when needed. In the proposed system of Crawlink, we offer the provision for generating reports as per the requirements. There is a separate module for Employee reports displaying various options underneath it like attendance reports and Employee list.

Procedure for Employee list and attendance reports:
  1. Login into Crawlink School ERP using your email or phone number.
  2. Click on Employee Reports.
  3. It will display the Reports page.
  4. Click on Employee attendance drop-down.
  5. Click on the Date-wise Attendance report for a particular employee: It will Open Select dialog, Select sheet, employe, start date, end date and fields to display. Then click Done it will generate a Date-wise Attendance report for a particular employee.
  6. Click on Date-wise Attendance report for all the employees: It will Open Select dialog, Select sheet, start date, and end dateThen click Done it will generate a Date-wise Attendance Report for all the employees.
  7. Click on Employee list drop-down.
  8. Click on Employee(s) List Department/Grade wise: It will Open Select dialog, Select department, grade and fields to displayThen click Done it will generate a report for Employee(s) List Department/Grade wise.
  9. Click on Employee(s) strength Department/Grade wise: It will Open Select dialog, Select department, grade and fields to display. Then click Done it will generate Report for Employee(s) strength Department/Grade wise.
  10. Click on Employee(s) Male/Female ratio department/grade-wise: It will Open Select dialog, Select department, grade, gender and fields to display. Then click Done it will generate Report for Employee(s) Male/Female ratio department/grade-wise.
  11. Click on Employee(s) Male/Female ratio caste wise: It will Open Select dialog, Select Caste, gender and fields to display. Then click Done it will generate Report for Employee(s) Male/Female ratio caste wise.
Following are the Images to generate Employee list and attendance reports:
