How to Get All Students List in Crawlink School ERP?

This is an important requirement of Crawlink Users to get all students list. The entire student life cycle from the time of admission is well formulated and maintained in Crawlink.  All student list module helps to get all the details of students in an excel sheet, Also we can make the Students active and inactive and It helps to generate id-card. In this all student module we can update student details and also we can delete students. Here we can get the students for each academic year in a specific Department, Branch, Class, Semester and Section with ease. 

Procedure to View, Edit and Delete Students:
  1. Login into Crawlink School ERP using your email or phone number.
  2. Click on All Student.
  3. You will get the list of All Students.
  4. In the right corner of a Student, you will find more options, then click on More option.
  5. More option will display 
    1. View,
    2. Edit,
    3. Delete,
    4. Active or In-Active.
  6. Click on View: It will Open View Student dialog, In this view dialog, We can get the minimum details of a Student. And also We have More buttons in View dialog:
    • View More: If you click on View more, It will display all the details of a Student. 
    • Edit: If you click on Edit, the Edit student page will be displayed here you can update Student details.
    • Print: By using the Print button we can take the Print of Student details.
    • Next and Previous: By using the Next and Previous button we can see Next and Previous student's details.
    • We have one more option for View details, if we click on name link, View dialog will open.
  7. Click on Edit:  It will Open Edit Student Page, In this Edit Student Page, We can Update, Modify and Correcting the Student information and details.
  8. Click on Delete: It will Display Delete dialog with info Message If you click delete, the Student will be deleted Permanently. 
  9. Click on Active: If you click on Active, The Inactive student will be Activated.
  10. Click on Inactive: If you click on Inactive, The Active student will be Inactivated.
  11. Here also we can take Student admissions, In the Right top corner of the page Student Admission Button is present by click on that you can take Students Admissions.

Following are the Images to View, Edit and Delete Students:

Procedure to Search Students: 
  1. Click on All Students.
  2. Search is Present in the left top corner of the Page, It has a drop-down list and it consists of  Name, Roll No, Reg No, Erp Id, RF Id, Email and Phone no. Select any one of them and then Search. 
  3. In my case Based on Reg no. am Searching Student.

Following are the Images to Search Student:

Procedure to Filter Students:
  1. Click on All Students.
  2. Filter Button is Present in the left top corner next to Search.
  3. Click on Filter,  Student Filter dialog will open.
  4. The Filter Performs two operations:
    1. AND Operation.
    2. OR Operation.
  5. Select any one of them, In the right corner Add Rule[+] is Present, Click on Add Rule, It will display a drop-down list of Academic Year, Branch, Caste, Class, Course, Created Date, Created By, Department, Date of birth, Date of joining, Gender, Is Active, Is Alumni, Section Semester, Updated Date, Updated By and Year, Select them. In my case Based on, Course is Filtering Students.
  6. Then Press Apply.

Following are the Images to Filter Student:

Procedure to Download Students Data into Excel sheet:
  1. Click on All Students.
  2. Download Button is Present in the Right top corner, Below the Student Admission Button.
  3. Click on Download Button. It will Download all the Students Data into Excel Sheet. 

Following are the Images to Download Students Data into Excel sheet:
