How to take Employee Enrolment By Uploading Excel Sheet?

This is an important requirement of Crawlink Users to get all Employee list. All employee list module helps to get all the Employee list in an excel sheet, Also we can make the Employee active and inactive and It also helps to generate id-card.

Procedure to take Employees Admission By Uploading Excel Sheet:

  1. Login into Crawlink School ERP using your email or phone number.
  2. Click on All Employees.
  3. Click on More Option, It is present in the Right Top Corner of the Employees List Page.
  4. Click on Staff Upload From Excel.
  5. Download the Sample Excel Sheet by clicking on the download sample.
  6. Open the sample Excel sheet and fill all the details of students: Academic, Year, Name, Date Of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY), Join Date (DD-MM-YYYY), Phone, Email, Department, Grade, Educational, Qualification, Staff category, Designation, Annual Package, Registration No, Employee Id, Father Name, Mother Name, Reporting Manager, Blood group, Driving License, Aadhar Number, PAN Number, Passport Number, Caste, Marital Status, Gender, Save the excel sheet in  xls or  xlsx Formate.
  7. Click On Select Excel File, Select a file.
  8. Press Upload Button. 

Following are the Images to take Employees Admission By Uploading Excel Sheet:
